Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources

Status: Completed
Duration: 2017 - 2020

FREYA is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme in which twelve partners are involved. The project aims to build the infrastructure for persistent identifiers (PIDs) as a core component of open science, in the EU and globally. FREYA will improve discovery, navigation, retrieval, and access of research resources. New provenance services will enable researchers to better evaluate data and make the scientific record more complete, reliable, and traceable, hereby setting up an essential part of the European Science Cloud (EOSC). FREYA follows on from the THOR project.

DANS plays a crucial role in two important parts of FREYA: 1) integrating the PID Graph in the disciplinary context in its two own systems EASY and NARCIS and 2) the communication and engagement with the research community. Communication and exchange with the research community is handled via the online PID Forum, the project website, social media as through training, workshops and presentations at conferences. FREYA is establishing the community in close collaboration with the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and with two big EU-projects EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance.

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