RDA-NL Meet-up

Event date:

12 June 2024

Location: Rathenau Institute, The Hague

RDA in Netherlands (RDA-NL), the Dutch community of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), welcomes you to an in-person meet-up in The Hague. The meeting is for members as well as interested non-members, and aims to bring people together to shape the future aims and activities of RDA-NL over lunch.

What is the RDA?
The RDA is a community-driven organisation that brings together researchers from around the world, with the aim of promoting the sharing and re-use of data across disciplines, technologies, and countries by building the necessary social, organisational, and technical infrastructures. Launched in 2013, the RDA is a well-established network of over 14,500 members in 151 countries. 

RDA in The Netherlands
RDA-NL is an official Regional Group of the RDA which aims to connect researchers and data experts on the local level, with hundreds of members from various organisations in the Netherlands. Recently, the Dutch network LCRDM (The National Coordination Point Research Data Management), strengthened its ties with the RDA by becoming the official representative of RDA-NL (for more details, see this presentation). The NWO also recently became an official partner of the RDA, further strengthening their collaboration and alignment. 

Meeting and registration

Now is a good time to become (further) involved in RDA-NL, and to plan how the community can best serve its members in the future. The meeting therefore plans to introduce new members to RDA(-NL), to coordinate and plan RDA-NL activities through interactive sessions, and to provide a chance to meet and network over lunch.

You can register for the event and find more practical information via this link. Please note that places are limited. We hope to see you on June 12th! 


  • 09h30 – 10h00: Arrival and registration
  • 10h00 – 10h30: Welcome (how did we get here)
  • 10h30 – 11h00: Introductions and how are you involved in RDA (or not)
  • 11h00 – 12h00: Group work: RDA-NL activities e.g. foregrounding outputs, OA membership
  • 12h00 – 12h30: Wrap-up
  • 12h30 – 13h30: Lunch

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