This document contains the selection policy that DANS has established for the DANS Data Stations. The document records the criteria under which the presented datasets meet the goals for which DANS has implemented the Data Stations, namely for the archiving and publication of research data to enable reuse.
The DANS Data Stations are domain-specific research data repositories. Repositories are currently available for the following research domains:
- archaeology
- social sciences and humanities
- life sciences
- physical and technical sciences
Selection policy
DANS adopts the following criteria in determining whether a dataset will be accepted into our Data Stations:
#1. Research data
We archive and publish research data, for which we use the following definition:
- All data that are produced for research purposes. This follows from the fact:
- That the data has been generated within a (verifiable) research project or
- That the data has been generated by a research institute or organisation.
- Data that has not been generated for research but could be reused for research and where a reasonable assumption exists that no other destination is available for the publication and archiving of the data (such as a library, archive, or publication platform).
- Data resulting from citizen science, provided a recognized research institute or organisation validates the data, or if one of the Data Station managers accepts the data as reusable for research.
#2. Digital object types
We adopt the following guidelines concerning the types of digital objects we archive and publish:
- We accept research reports for the archaeology domain. We only accept research reports for the other domains if they comprise part of a dataset with research data. Exceptions can be made after consultation with DANS.
- We only accept metadata-only depositions in exceptional cases. DANS does assign conditions to such depositions, such as the guaranteed continued availability of and access to the data the metadata references. Depositors should always contact DANS for such depositions.
- Temporary and non-definitive files will not be accepted.
- We will accept scripts and code provided they comprise part of a dataset and promote reuse.
- We accept synthetic datasets.
We do not, in principle, accept:
- Stand-alone reprints of articles published previously
- Stand-alone presentations (PowerPoint, Keynote or otherwise)
- Stand-alone flyers
#3. Does the dataset fit into the designated community?
Every Data Station has its own designated community defined according to discipline. The community consists of active researchers, either (previously) attached to an academic institution, or (formerly) employed at a government institution or other organisation that carries out research, or active as a citizen scientist, in one of the following domains:
- archaeology
- social sciences and humanities
- life sciences
- physical and technical sciences
#4. Openness
We archive, in principle, only datasets that have been deposited according to the ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’ principle. Depositors must contact DANS if they wish to deviate from this principle, for instance, because their datasets may not be made available for download publicly or after access request.
#5. Replicability
The scientific research results must be replicable (where replicability applies). To that end, the dataset must be supplied with sufficient supporting documentation, and the entire ‘Research Data Life Cycle’ must be considered. The dataset must also contain a reference to the research software required for replicating the research results. Self-written code and algorithms may be supplied with the datasets or stored in a software platform or repository approved by DANS and linked to the dataset using persistent identifiers.
#6. Level of research
DANS accepts datasets that result from scientific research or are reusable for scientific research. We will archive data produced in research conducted within educational programmes if there are opportunities for reuse, in consultation with the supervisor. In this case, data deposition by the supervisor, or a data steward from the department where the supervisor works, is preferred.
#7. Relationship of the dataset with the Netherlands:
The research consortium or the research theme must have a relationship with the Netherlands. This relationship can be considered in the broadest sense of the word, including the research subject, the researchers involved in the project, the institution where the research is conducted, or the language that plays a role in the research.
If the depositor does not have an alternative available (for example, if they work in a country that does not have a research data management infrastructure), we will try to refer the client to available alternatives.
For storing datasets of exceptional scientific value that are in danger of becoming orphaned or disappearing, DANS can suspend the criterium regarding the relationship with the Netherlands.
#8. Volume of depositions from one depositor
The limit for free depositions is 50 GB per depositor. DANS must be contacted for larger deposits. This upper limit does not apply where it concerns a legal obligation to deposit data with DANS.
#9. Raw data vs. processed data
We want to receive datasets that serve as a basis for further research. DANS’s archiving services are aimed at reusability. In this regard, completeness is theoretically preferred. Situations may arise where practical barriers exist to storing the entire raw dataset (formats, size, convenience, and number of deposited files). The Data Station Managers are responsible for the final selection if there is any cause for doubt.
#10. File formats
DANS has a strong preference for datasets containing files in the preferred formats. With these preferred formats, we can guarantee long-term availability. If files deviate from these formats, DANS will explore whether the supplied formats can be retroactively designated as preferred formats. If not, DANS will investigate during curation whether it is possible to add converted data in a preferred format to a new version of the dataset, or we will contact the depositor to request alternative data formats or solutions. If no preferred formats can be made available, non-preferred formats will be accepted. However, DANS can offer no long-term guarantees for these datasets.
#11. Scientific integrity
Datasets that appear to be linked to non-existent authors, predatory journals, non-existing institutions, or are otherwise in violation of the KNAW and NWO integrity guidelines, will be refused or removed. These integrity guidelines can be found under the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
#12. Right to deviate
We reserve the right to deviate from this selection policy in consultation with the depositor.
#13. Right to refuse
We reserve the right to refuse datasets. The depositor will be notified of the reason for refusal. This decision is not disputable.
© DANS. R.6.5 Version 1.0, December 9, 2024