11:00 – 12:30: FAIR data
A key digital challenge in Open Science is good stewardship of research data. The FAIR principles provide guidance towards making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This session will focus on one key element of storing data in a FAIR manner: the repositories. The session will shed light on what FAIR-aligned repositories are and how they contribute to FAIR data. Hands-on tools will be introduced for researchers to find FAIR-aligned repositories and to evaluate the FAIRness of datasets. With a tryout of the FAIR assessment tool we will round off this session.
11:00 – 12:30: Open Science in Europe: What does it do for you?
Many European projects exist that aim to support researchers in producing and storing their research output in an open and FAIR way. For the average researcher, however, it is often difficult to distinguish between the different roles each of the projects play in the European research landscape and what the connections between the projects are. In this session, speakers from several key projects will explain their projects in more detail and how they support open science in Europe. The presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with the audience.
15:30 – 18:00: DANS and the Netherlands eScience Center present the ‘FAIR Software Route’
In addition to the various sessions, DANS is at a stand in the central hall all day.
Additional information
More information and the full program of the symposium can be found online. There is also the possibility for registration.