DANS participates as a partner within the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) and is responsible for two tasks: setting up a data repository service on the EOSC cloud platform and setting up a sustainable cross-disciplinary trainer network and a train-the-trainer toolkit in the field of research data management within the SSH.
The following period offers several information-packed online sessions for the SSH Community:
26 October: Introducing the Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Registry
10-13 November: DARIAH Annual Event 2020
16-19 November: Realising the European Open Science Cloud (Conference Report available online)
17-18 December: 4th Annual Training School on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMMs)
More information
Please contact Marion Wittenberg for more information about the SSHOC project. You can also visit the SSHOC website or the SSHOC Twitter for actual updates.