So far, seven European funding organizations started implementing the “Core Requirements” of Science Europe. During the launch at January 29, the Directorate-General Research and Innovation at the European Commission pushed for the implementation at Horizon 2020 and its upcoming successor Horizon Europe. The guide is designed to aid researchers in complying with RDM requirements even when working with different research funders and research organisations.
Science Europe is a non-profit organization, located in Brussels, which represents the most important research funders in Europe. Peter Doorn, director at DANS, is chair at the Europe Working Group on Research Data, who initiated the guide. During this process, he diligently cooperated with Professor Stan Gielen, President of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Member of the Science Europe Governing Board.
More information
Check the website of Science Europe, read the publication, or contact Peter Doorn for more information.