Peter Doorn, director at DANS, opened the day with a word of welcome. Furthermore, he took part in leading the day as chair of the event. The presentation of the Jonge Akademie (KNAW) by Rens van de Schoot raised many familiar questions amongst visitors, such as, how do you share your data? It was a clear presentation that elaborated on the many recognisable aspects and problems that are raised when you share (research)data. Rob van Gassel (Maastricht University) of the Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, gave an interesting talk on open science for early career researchers. Furthermore, Elly Dijk of DANS gave an interesting presentation on OpenAIRE, focused on the development of the European Open Science Cloud.
The presentations were followed by 7 success stories on open data. These stories are accessible online. During the day, visitors attended the information market (with stands on EASY, DataverseNL, and NARCIS).
The #opendayonopenscience on Twitter provides some insights on the open day.
Additional information
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