The descriptions of the collections are written according to an EAD standard (Encoded Archival Descriptions) and added to the portal. Tools such as, OAI-PMH and ResourceSync, allowed the process of ‘automated ingestion’ to establish a growth of the portal of over 17 percent. Automated ingestion is now possible for three Holocaust archives: USHMM, Yad Vashem, and Kazerna Dossin.
EHRI is short for the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure. Over twenty organisations operate within EHRI. Institutions such as, research facilities, libraries, archives, museums, and memorials, contribute to EHRI from various countries. EHRI aims to enhance accessibility of various Holocaust sources from around the globe in one portal, to increase scientific research on the Holocaust.
DANS focuses on creating and applying formats for metadata of the various organisations that cooperate within the EHRI portals.
Additional information
You can read more on this achievement of the EHRI-project here. Do you want more information about the EHRI-project, visit this page.