The course is organized by DTL and partners at Utrecht University, from the 4th until the 6th of November. The course will pass the stages of the data life cycle in more detail in three training modules.
- Module 1: Why use a data management plan and what for? On day one trainees will investigate data management plans, which types are there and how they should be used.
- Module 2: Mastering the data chaos during the research phase. On day two the course highlights how to work with data during the research phase, explaining how to create well formatted data which helps in the second module of day two to make data interoperable already during the active research phase.
- Module 3: Boost your visibility and get cited for your data! On day three trainees will have an in-depth at persistent identifiers, different use cases and types of identifiers. Finally, the course ends with closing the data life cycle by making data fit for sharing, archiving and publishing.
Cees Hof will provide a session on the sharing of data, publishing data, and data archiving on the 6th of November. The course will take place at the Buys Ballot Building of Utrecht University
Additional information
Do you want more information, please contact Cees Hof. Registration page and the full program of the course can be found here.