Furthermore, nearly 40% of the publications is set to Restricted Access, which is far from informative to users. Hence NARCIS has integrated the service of Unpaywall. Every DOI in NARCIS has a logo of Unpaywall, which leads to information on accessibility within Unpaywall (if present). In many cases the accessibility will be the same, but some Closed- or Restricted Access materials can perhaps be found elsewhere as Open Access publications.
Unpaywall is a project of Impactstory, a non-profit tool to make scientific research more open, accessible, and re-usable. Unpaywall consists of a database with nearly 20 million free and accessible scientific publications. The tool searches unique digital tags of papers – DOIs – in a series of over 50,000 journals and repositories.
Additional information
Take a look at this example. If you want more information on NARCIS or Unpaywall, contact Chris Baars.