The second part of the workshop presents the Secure ANalysis Environment (SANE), demonstrating how sensitive data can be made accessible for inspection and analysis without allowing downloads. The session includes an interactive demo, providing researchers with a clear understanding of how SANE supports controlled-data access.
This workshop is part of a series organised by the project ‘Beyond personal data: a new initiative to support early-career researchers with hard-to-share data’ financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) via the Thematic Digital Competence Centre Social Sciences & Humanities (TDCC-SSH).
The language of instruction will be in English, although we will be happy to facilitate in conversations and audience questions in Dutch
- Deborah Thorpe, DANS
- Michelle van den Berk, DANS
- Lucas van der Meer, ODISSEI
- Ahmad Hessam, SURF
- Pascal Flohr, Leiden University
Target Audience
The workshop is aimed primarily at researchers in the social sciences and humanities.
Workshop programme overview
The workshop is from 13:00 to 17:00 and consists of the following parts:
- Coffee and tea, introductions
- Types of non-personal sensitive data
- Sensitive data and FAIR and open research
- Break with coffee and tea, snacks
- Introduction to the Secure ANalysis Environment (SANE)
- Hands-on demonstration of SANE
Please note that due to the interactivity of the workshops, they are fully in person. In order that participants can participate freely, they will not be recorded. A Content Guide will be published open access after the workshop, with textual information, guidance and resources on the topic.
Please bring with you
The second part of this workshop includes a demonstration, and so it would be useful to bring a laptop with internet access. If this is not possible, we can arrange for you to pair up with someone. For note-taking, the laptop or a simple pen and notepad would be useful.
Questions about the workshop?
Please email the DANS hosts for this event Michelle van den Berk.
Attendance at this workshop is free, though registration is required. Places are limited to 35 people so please register as early as possible. To register, please fill out the short registration form below. Once you have registered we will be in touch again with practical information in advance of the workshop.
If, having registered for the event, you cannot attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can reallocate your place.
Your data is only processed in the context of this event. More information can be found in our Privacy Statement.
Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash