CoreTrustSeal is a worldwide data quality mark which offers interested repositories a core level of certification based on the catalogue and procedures of the CoreTrustSeal Data Repositories Requirements. CoreTrustSeal replaces the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) and World Data Systems (WDS) Regular Members certifications.
EASY had been DSA-certified since 2011 and WDS-certified since 2015. With its recently achieved CoreTrustSeal certification, DANS demonstrates that the sustainability and reliability of the data stored in EASY are guaranteed.
The international research community will also benefit from placing their data in sustainable and reliable archiving systems. Unambiguous, coherent data repository standards enhance researchers’ and research funders’ trust of the future-proofness of these crucial repositories.
To achieve certification, DANS had to complete an extensive online self-assessment based on sixteen criteria used to establish the quality of its data management practices. The self-assessment was favourably received by qualified peer reviewers, after which the CoreTrustSeal Board awarded the certification.
More information
For more information about EASY’s CoreTrustSeal certification, please contact policy director Ingrid Dillo or policy officer Ilona von Stein. You can also visit the CoreTrustSeal website.