EHRI is an abbreviation for European Holocaust Research Infrastructure. The EHRI-project gives access to more than 1,900 Holocaust-related institutions for archiving in 51 countries and gives descriptions of ten thousands of archive pieces. DANS is involved in the conversion of descriptions from holocaust collections to metadata (EAD). The metadata can then be ‘harvested’ by the EHRI portal using the OAI-PMH and ResourceSync protocols.
The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s most time-honored media arts competition. Winners are awarded the coveted Golden Nica statuette, prize money ranging up to € 10,000 per category and an opportunity to showcase their talents at the famed Ars Electronica Festival in Linz.
EHRI was recommended to the Prix Ars Electronica 2018 competition as a public nomination. Its success in winning an honorary mention showcases the social, political and cultural relevance of its activities as well as its increasing recognition as an innovative project among communities beyond Holocaust research and archives.
The prizewinning projects will be showcased in the CyberArts exhibition at the OK Center for Contemporary Art.
More information
More information on EHRI can be found online.
More information on EHRI metadata integration can be found here.