CoreTrustSeal Board elections 2024: call for new board members

22 August 2024

CoreTrustSeal is looking for new members for the 2024-2027 CoreTrustSeal board. If your organisation is a member of the CoreTrustSeal Assembly of Reviewers you are eligible to nominate a candidate for the board. Nominations must be made before September 1st, 2024. 

The CoreTrustSeal Standards and Certification Board consists of a maximum of 12 members and is the most important decision-making body of the CoreTrustSeal. Among other things, the Board approves (or rejects) CoreTrustSeal applications based on the assessments of the reviewers and makes decisions concerning the strategic development of the CoreTrustSeal. 

Just as importantly, however, Board members liaise between the CoreTrustSeal and the wider repository and research data communities. They represent and promote the CoreTrustSeal in these communities and ensure that the communities’ ideas and needs are considered in the Board discussions and CoreTrustSeal Board working groups. 

On a practical level, Board members are expected to participate in Board meetings, which take place at least every two weeks, and to continue to carry out reviews based on availability.

Nomination procedure

Every member of the Assembly of Reviewers who has completed at least one CoreTrustSeal review is eligible. All CoreTrustSeal certified repositories are eligible to vote for the slate of board members that will be proposed by the elections committee.

Candidates can be nominated via . To become a candidate in the Board elections, you must be endorsed by at least two other members of the Assembly of Reviewers. Please announce your candidacy by sending an email to , mentioning the two persons endorsing the candidacy, and adding their email address in the CC of the email. If you do not know who can support your candidacy please also contact the same email address so they can help you.

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